We may have seen a child angry or crying uncontrollably, and the parent reacts with equally intense emotions, perhaps even scolding and blaming the child or other people who caused the child’s anger or tears. Perhaps it would be better for parents not to respond to a child’s emotions with…

Know and understand your child’s learning style
Know and understand your child’s learning style If you are a parent, would you like to have children who easily absorb learning materials or other information? If so, one of the keys is not to force your child to learn in the environment and in the way you want. According…

Three therapies to overcome device addiction in children
I feel like all parents have had the same experience. At the beginning, there is a boy who won’t sit still. Parents get upset. They think that a good and sweet child should be calmer. Sit orderly without shouting or running around too much. Because when a child runs and…

Learning three important things from Einstein’s family
Who does not know Albert Einstein? Indeed our primary and secondary academy children know it. Einstein is the innovator of the proposition of Relativity and in 1922 he entered the Nobel Prize in Physics. Einstein is known as an intelligent and canny scientist. Our children frequently dream of having intelligence…

Teenage problems due to extreme parenting styles
A mother is worried about her teenage son, who often causes problems outside the home, such as breaking school rules, traffic regulations, and other common rules. The boy also frequently bullies her friends, prompting one of her friends’ parents to report the behavior. What’s wrong with the mother? According to…

Husband’s participation in ménage chores has positive impacts
Is it wrong for a hubby to help his woman with ménage chores similar as sweeping, mopping, washing dishes, ironing clothes,etc.? Manneke Budiman, a professor at the Faculty of Cultural lores at the University of Indonesia, says the division of labor in a family shouldn’t be grounded on gender. In…

Foreign language ability and child intelligence
Why do Australian schools teach Indonesian? Or why does the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia require its students to be fluent in English? Why should foreign languages be taught as early as possible? Does mastering a foreign language really improve a child’s intelligence? Originally, learning a language allows us to pierce…

Introduce the concept of time to children
From a young age it is necessary to teach children the concept of time. Because? Because through understanding time, children learn about the continuous passage of time, the importance of prioritizing tasks, and develop concepts of discipline and responsibility. According to Reni Kusumowardhani, M.Psi, a psychologist at the Indonesian Psychological…

What should parents do when a child makes a mistake?
When her child makes a mistake or does commodity unhappy, dangerous, or potentially mischievous to her future, how should she respond? What can you do to help your child realize her mistake and avoid repeating it? If you resort to negative communication through threats, accusations, or criticism, don’t expect your…

Do children need to have a mobile phone?
“Mom, I want to have a cell phone like Nia, my classmate,” said Tita, a 7-year-old girl, expressing her wish to her mother. You may have heard those words from your little one’s mouth. Financially, he may be able to buy his son a cell phone with attractive features such…