Children often encounter problems in their daily lives. They often experience problems related to toys, clothes and other things. The toy cars they play with suddenly stop moving. The bicycle they are riding suddenly loses its chain or gets a flat tire. The shoes they are wearing suddenly fall apart and other similar problems.
When children face such problems, they usually react differently. Some try to fix it themselves, others get upset, angry, and sometimes even cry while damaging the toy in the process. This is normal because children feel very disappointed when something they like suddenly encounters a problem, and some even believe that it no longer works. Or they feel helpless and don’t know how to solve the problem.
This is when parents must demonstrate their ability to help solve problems. Take measures to address the child’s problem within our capabilities. This is important to demonstrate the parent’s competence in front of the child and at the same time instill confidence in us. Additionally, we can provide learning opportunities or problem-management skills to our children.
Here are some things to do when children have problems with toys or belongings:
First, explain that the problem can be solved. When their toy doesn’t work properly, children often assume that it is broken and no longer works. As a result, they may cry from disappointment or even become angry. They don’t realize that the problem can be solved and the toy will work again. Therefore, the parents’ task is to calmly explain that the toy will work as before. Offer immediate assistance and tell them something needs to be fixed. Ask the child to wait a moment.
Second, assure them that we will help you solve the problem. Most disappointed children often feel helpless when faced with these issues. There are also calm children who maintain their composure when facing these problems. However, some children react quickly and aggressively, sometimes damaging the problem toy.
Before that happens, parents should intervene quickly. Let them know we will help you fix it. Don’t let them take more drastic measures with your toys just because we hesitate to offer a solution. Be willing to help so that they feel relieved from their problem.
Third, explain the cause of the problem. After agreeing to help, quickly examine the problem. Explain what caused the problem with your toy. Avoid showing confusion during these times. Even if we don’t know the solution right away, we must continue to trust that we can handle it. This is important because if we show our inability, the child will be even more disappointed.
Fourth, teach the child to solve the problem. If we understand the problem and know the solution, invite the children to solve it together. Do not solve the problem alone without involving the child, as this is a crucial time to impart knowledge, lessons and skills on how to handle a problem. This experience is important to teach them and to be able to face any problems that arise in the future.
Fifth, try to let the child solve the problem independently. As long as we can handle children’s problems, let’s try to solve them ourselves. Let’s avoid immediately passing the problem on to others, even if we can afford to pay for their services. This is important so that children feel that their parents have the skills and abilities to handle problems. Children will feel proud when they see their parents arranging their toys. Thus, they will imitate and try to fix things themselves.
Sixth, avoid solving problems by involving the services of others. Parents often don’t want to be bothered by minor problems. As a solution, they hand over all the problems their children face to others or through service agencies. Repairing a bicycle tire must be done in a repair shop because we do not have the tools or cannot fix it ourselves. Fixing a loose chain is also left to others because we don’t want to get our hands dirty. Even changing batteries in toy cars is left to others.
This is where children are taught to live too comfortably. This happens when we can afford to pay others. But imagine if our finances were tight. Without a doubt, this will create new financial problems for us. Therefore, try to handle small things that we can handle ourselves, so that children can emulate our independence.
If we can do the above things, many positive effects will arise. The children’s confidence, pride, admiration and emulation towards us will grow at that time. Children will indirectly learn valuable lessons from us in terms of how to handle problems in their lives in the future. Therefore, in this matter we must be wise and not lazy in helping children face their problems.