Naming is important because it can stimulate children’s imagination before they enter the reading terrace. This naming may also be a way to introduce the existence of the reading terrace to the surrounding community. So, although the reading terrace belongs to you, the general public can also join the reading or use it.

Guide teenagers to choose musketeers
During this transition period, adolescents begin to enjoy socializing. In fact, they often prioritize spending time with the musketeers over their parents. Some teenagers witness drastic changes in behavior and suddenly want to spend all their time with the musketeers instead of their parents.

Teach Children Visiting Etiquette
There comes a time when parents need to take their children to visit friends, old acquaintances or relatives in a place far from home.
This is very common, but the etiquette that comes with it cannot be overlooked because children learn from every experience and event that unfolds before them.

Women as a pillar of family health
Women’s health rights range from childhood to old age. Women also have the right to receive accurate medical information. “Health information for women is crucial because if a mother does not have correct information, how can she convey accurate information to her family members? How can a mother maintain the health of the family?” Dr. Yen said.

How to deal with teenagers entering nonage
There are several prominent characteristics of children of secondary school age, namely: unbalanced height and weight ratios, emergence of secondary sexual characteristics, ambivalence between the desire for solitude and the desire for social interaction, the enjoyment of comparing methods, ethical values or norms with the realities of adult life. , labile emotional reactions and expressions, beginning to develop standards and expectations for their own behavior that align with the social world, and relatively clearer career interests and choices.

Teach children to deal with everyday problems
Children often encounter problems in their daily lives. They often experience problems related to toys, clothes and other things. The toy cars they play with suddenly stop moving. The bicycle they are riding suddenly loses its chain or gets a flat tire. The shoes they are wearing suddenly fall apart and other similar problems.

Don’t Just Discipline Children
Still, it is not easy to administer corrections to children. Misapplied corrections will not have a gruesome effect. Additionally, if you discipline every time a child makes a mistake, instead of making him or her literate, the child may become more recalcitrant.

Family rules to address adolescent misbehavior
Various theories of developmental psychology supported by facts indicate that adolescents often violate various rules, whether at home, at school, or in society. These violations range from minor infractions to those that border on criminal acts.

Bad habits in children and how to overcome them
Most bad habits in children do not require professional help. However, if these habits begin to affect their physical or social functions, or persist despite parental interventions, there may be underlying physical or psychological problems. Consult a pediatrician in such cases.

Reasons why children should be protected from prejudice
The mortal brain continues to develop rapidly until the age of 21. Before, brain development is determined by environmental stimulants. It has been shown that the excessive use of technologies such as mobile phones, Internet, iPads, TV, etc. Inhibits administrative function, attention deficit, cognitive arrests, disintegrated literacy, increased impulsivity, and loss of ability to regulate tone, similar to explosions.